Cloud defines connections to cloud endpoints
Cloud Configuration
Referenced By:
EdgeConnectConfig RecipeDefinition
Name | Type | Description | Required |
connectors | map of string to CloudConnector | Defines the cloud Connectors to connect to.A map of unique identifier to a definition of a CloudConnector .Connectors defined here will be connected to, and can be targeted with publish filters. Depending on CloudConnectorimplementation and configuration, they may also subscribe and generate cloud events. | No |
tls | TLSConfig | No |
Cloud Connectors
This cloud connector provides per-device connections to Azure IoT Hub, with connections provisioned by Azure DPS.
Each device that communicates with this cloud connector will get a dedicated connection with authorization from the
Azure DPS service.
Cloud to device messages arrive in pipelines as an event with cloud
eventType. The payload is included in the
key. If you want the payload to be the top level event map, use the unwrapCloudPayload
DirectMethods also fire as cloud
eventType events, but they also include a _requestId
key. To respond to the
DirectMethod, publish to this cloud connector and make sure to include the _requestId
in the event map. The _requestId
doesn't need to be in the actual payload published to Azure, just in the event map that reaches the publish filter.
DirectMethods in Edge Connect only support map/object input and map/object response, not primitives.
Regular telemetry publishes (non-direct method responses) support the _properties
key in the event map. If this key
is included and it contains a map of strings, those key/value pairs will be added to the published message as
message properties.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
capabilityModelIdKey | string | The key that contains the Capability Model ID of the device. Example: "urn:rigado:RuuviTag:1" | No |
credentialLifetime | positiveDuration | credential lifetime (duration string) | No |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
devices | object | Device configuration, primarily for translating MAC address to Device IDs | No |
directMethods | array | A list of Direct Methods to subscribe to for all device types | No |
host | string | The DPS Registration Host URL Example: "" | Yes |
idScope | string | The ID Scope of the Azure DPS Service. A unique value used by the IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service. | Yes |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
previewAPI | boolean | Use the new preview API of DPS | No |
reconnectTimeout | string | How long to wait before retrying to connect a failed/disconnected device to IOT Hub This is used when a device is waiting for approval, gets blocked, or gets otherwise disconnected. Supports durations in the form of 1s 5m 1h etc. | No |
registerOnReconnect | boolean | Re-register devices with DPS and ask for hub assignment on every reconnect. Enabling this will slow down reconnect performance but can help with device load balancing and failover on IOT Hub. Restarting Edge Connect will always cause all devices to request hub assignment. | No |
sasKey | string | The Shared Access Signature key to use to generate device keys when authenticating with Azure DPS. This is required unless x509 is provided or the key dpsDeviceKey is provided for each device in the event map when connecting. | No |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
unwrapCloudPayload | boolean | Put the payload from cloud messages in the top level event map, rather than wrapping them in the "payload" key Example: true | No |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
x509 | X509 | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-dps": {
"config": {
"devices": {
"deviceIdTemplate": "my_device_{{ .mac }}"
"host": "",
"idScope": "0123f0_redacted",
"sasKey": "abcdf_redacted_abcd"
"type": "azuredps"
This cloud connector provides a connection to the Azure IoT Device cloud.
Supports publishing telemetry and receiving cloud commands,
but does not support topic based publishing, or topic based subscriptions.
Cloud to device messages arrive in pipelines as an event with cloud
eventType. The payload is included in the
key. If you want the payload to be the top level event map, use the unwrapCloudPayload
DirectMethods also fire as cloud
eventType events, but they also include a requestId
key. To respond to the
DirectMethod, publish to this cloud connector and make sure to include the requestId
in the event map. The requestId
doesn't need to be in the actual payload published to Azure, just in the event map that reaches the publish filter.
DirectMethods in Edge Connect only support map/object input and map/object response, not primitives.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
connectionString | string | The connection string provided by Azure IoT for the connecting device. Example: "\u003cazure iot device connection string\u003e" | No |
credentialLifetime | positiveDuration ✅ templating | credential lifetime (duration string) | No |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
directMethods | array | Direct Methods to subscribe to | No |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
reconnectTimeout | string | How long to wait before retrying to connect to IOT Hub Supports durations in the form of 1s 5m 1h etc. | No |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
unwrapCloudPayload | boolean | Put the payload from cloud messages in the top level event map, rather than wrapping them in the "payload" key Example: true | No |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
x509 | X509 | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-azure": {
"config": {
"connectionString": "azureiot:connectionstring"
"type": "azureiot"
This cloud connector provides per-device connections to the Azure IoT Central Cloud.
Each device that communicates with this cloud connector will get a dedicated connection with authorization from the
Azure DPS service.
Commands fire as cloud
eventType events, and include a requestId
key. To respond to the
Command, publish to this cloud connector and make sure to include the requestId
in the event map. The requestId
doesn't need to be in the actual payload published to Azure, just in the event map that reaches the publish filter.
Commands in Edge Connect only support map/object input and map/object response, not primitives.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
capabilityModelIdKey | string | The key that contains the Capability Model ID of the device. Example: "urn:rigado:RuuviTag:1" | No |
credentialLifetime | positiveDuration | credential lifetime (duration string) | No |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
devices | object | Device configuration, primarily for translating MAC address to Device IDs | No |
directMethods | array | A list of Direct Methods to subscribe to for all device types | No |
idScope | string | The ID Scope of the Azure IOT Central Application. A unique value used by the IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service. Can be found in the Administration/Device Connection page on the IOT Central site. | Yes |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
previewAPI | boolean | Use the new preview API of IOT Central | No |
reconnectTimeout | string | How long to wait before retrying to connect a failed/disconnected device to IOT Central This is used when a device is waiting for approval, gets blocked, or gets otherwise disconnected. Supports durations in the form of 1s 5m 1h etc. | No |
sasKey | string | The Shared Access Signature key to use to generate device keys when authenticating with Azure IOT Central. Can be found in the Administration/Device Connection page on the IOT Central site. | Yes |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
unwrapCloudPayload | boolean | Put the payload from cloud messages in the top level event map, rather than wrapping them in the "payload" key Example: true | No |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-iotcentral": {
"config": {
"capabilityModelIdKey": "",
"devices": {
"deviceIdTemplate": "my_device_{{ .mac }}"
"idScope": "0123f0_redacted",
"sasKey": "abcdf_redacted_abcd"
"type": "azureiotcentral"
This connector sends sensor telemetry data to Microsoft Azure Digital Twins.
All devices, sensors, matchers, and user defined functions must already be setup in Digital Twins.
The device must also have a role that allows it to update sensor values.
The cloud connector simply authenticates the device (the Gateway) and then routes telemetry data for each sensor over MQTT.
Supports publishing but does not support subscriptions.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
baseURL | string | The BaseURL of the digital twins instance to use Example: "" | Yes |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
deviceHardwareId | string | The device hardwareId in Digital Twins that matches the Gateway running Edge Connect and for which the SAS token is issued. Example: "C049731826-00010" | Yes |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
sasToken | string | A Shared Access Signature that has been generated for this deviceId Example: "SharedAccessSignature id=D149731826-00310\u0026se=44456789124\u0026kv=1\u0026sig=djmMcgXRRDBdvIIJZCogvxRynxUniyCwGlmUF7vgB6TlLvk%3D" | Yes |
sensorHardwareIdKey | string | A key in the incoming data that maps to the sensor hardwareId for the particular sensor in Digital Twins Example: "mac" | Yes |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-dt": {
"config": {
"baseURL": "",
"deviceHardwareId": "D149731826-00310",
"sasToken": "SharedAccessSignature id=D149731826-00310\u0026se=44456789124\u0026kv=1\u0026sig=djmMcgXRRDBdvIIJZCogvxRynxUniyCwGlmUF7vgB6TlLvk%3D",
"sensorHardwareIdKey": "mac"
"type": "digitalTwins"
This cloud connector provides a connection to the Google Cloud IoT Core
Supports publishing on topics and subscribing to topics. Also supports Device configuration via linking to a Device Group.
For devices to be attached to a Gateway successfully, they first need to be "bound" in the Google Cloud IOT Core
API/settings. At startup, or when dynamically attached, an "attach" message is sent to Google to let it know the
device is online. This will fail if the device is not already "bound" on the Google side.
Cloud to device messages arrive in pipelines as a cloud
eventType. The topic is included in the topic
key and the
payload is included in the payload
key. If you want the payload to be the top level event map, use the
Name | Type | Description | Required |
connectMessage | CloudMessage | No | |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
devices | CloudConnectorDevices | No | |
gatewayId | string | ID of this Gateway in Google Cloud. Required by Google to start with a lowercase character, so if the Gateway serial number is used, make sure to lowercase it. Example: "c123456789-12345" | Yes |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
privateKey | string | Private Key that matches the Public Key for this Gateway that was provided to Google. Example: "base64 encoded private key" | Yes |
projectId | string | Google Project ID Example: "iot-project" | Yes |
region | string | Google Region the project is in Example: "europe-west1" | Yes |
registryId | string | Google IOT Registry ID Example: "my-registry-id" | Yes |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
subscribeTopics | array ✅ templating | Topics to subscribe to. Incoming messages on these topics will arrive in pipelines as cloud type events. | No |
unwrapCloudPayload | boolean | Put the payload from cloud messages in the top level event map, rather than wrapping them in the "payload" key Example: true | No |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"googlecloud": {
"config": {
"gatewayId": "gatewaySerialLowercased",
"privateKey": "....",
"projectId": "myproject",
"region": "uswest",
"registryId": "myregistry"
"type": "googlecloudiot"
This cloud connector represents an HTTP destination using the URL and method specified.
Support publishing but no subscriptions.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ca | string | Additional CAs to append to system certpool CA certs must be base64 encoded pem format | No |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
headers | object ✅ templating | Headers contains a map of key and value pairs to place in the headers section of the HTTP request. Typically, these headers would include things like an API key or other authentication data. | No |
method | string | Tells the filter which HTTP command to use to send data. Valid options are POST and PUT. Example: "PUT" | Yes |
persistent | boolean | Enable persistent storage for failed requests | No |
retryDelayMultiplier | number | Retry delay multiplier, the retry delay will be multiplied by this value on each request error | No |
retryDisable | boolean | Disable retrying a request on error | No |
retryInitialDelay | string | Retry initial delay | No |
retryMaxAttempts | integer | Maximum retry attempts If either RetryMaxAttempts or RetryTimeout is satisfied the request will be discarded | No |
retryMaxDelay | string | Maximum delay between any retry | No |
retryOfflineDelay | string | Retry delay (fixed) when server is unreachable | No |
retryTimeout | string | How long to keep retrying a request when getting an error If either RetryMaxAttempts or RetryTimeout is satisfied the request will be discarded | No |
successfulStatuses | array | Define the httpStatus codes that are considered successful. | No |
timeout | integer | A single HTTP request attempt will timeout after this length of time. The timeout is specified as an integer number of seconds. The default timeout is 30 seconds. Example: 10 | No |
url | string ✅ templating | The HTTP url to send data Example: "" | Yes |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-http": {
"config": {
"headers": {
"AuthToken": "something-secret"
"method": "POST",
"url": ""
"type": "http"
This cloud connector provides a connection to an MQTT broker.
Support publishing on topics and subscriptions on topics.
Cloud to device messages arrive in pipelines as an event with cloud
eventType. The payload is included in the
key. If you want the payload to be the top level event map, use the unwrapCloudPayload
Name | Type | Description | Required |
base | string | The base address of the broker. This is required by some brokers, such as AWS IoT Example: "/mqtt" | No |
clientId | string | The ClientID to use in the MQTT connection. | No |
connectMessage | CloudMessage | No | |
credentials | MQTTCredentials | No | |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
devices | CloudConnectorDevices | No | |
host | string | The host address of the broker Example: "" | Yes |
keystorePassword | string | No | |
nonPersistentMaxCount | integer | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum number of messages the MQTT memorystore will hold before dropping messages Must be used with persistent=false | No |
password | string | No | |
persistent | boolean | If set to true, outbound and inbound MQTT messages are stored on disk instead of in memory, allowing them to be reloaded upon restart or reboot if they were not yet processed. | No |
persistentMaxSize | string | If set to > 0, this will set the maximum size (bytes) on disk that the MQTT filestore can consume before dropping messages. Supported suffixes (B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB,...), max size of 1GiB. Must be used with persistent=true Example: "64MB" | No |
port | integer | The port of the broker Example: 8883 | Yes |
publishQos | integer | MQTT QoS level. Defaults to 1 as that is most widely supported. Valid options are 0,1,2. Note: some brokers (such as AWS IoT Core) do not support QoS 2. Example: 1 | No |
scheme | string | The communication protocol of the broker. Options are: tcp, tcps, wss, ssl Example: "tcps" | Yes |
subscribeTimeout | ? | This will set the timeout for subscribing/unsubscribing to a topic | No |
subscribeTopics | array ✅ templating | Topics to subscribe to. Incoming messages on these topics will arrive in pipelines as cloud type events. | No |
unwrapCloudPayload | boolean | Put the payload from cloud messages in the top level event map, rather than wrapping them in the "payload" key Example: true | No |
username | string | No | |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-mqtt": {
"config": {
"base": "",
"host": "",
"port": 8883,
"scheme": "tcps"
"type": "mqtt"
This cloud connector represents a websocket connection
Name | Type | Description | Required |
binaryMode | boolean | Enable binary mode for messages to cloud If false, messages will be sent to the cloud in text mode | No |
ca | string | Additional CAs to append to system certpool CA certs must be base64 encoded pem format | No |
debug | boolean | Enable debug logging | No |
headers | object | Headers contains a map of key and value pairs to place in the headers section of the HTTP request. Typically, these headers would include things like an API key or other authentication data. | No |
persistent | boolean | Enable persistent storage for failed requests | No |
retryDelayMultiplier | number | Retry delay multiplier, the retry delay will be multiplied by this value on each request error | No |
retryDisable | boolean | Disable retrying a request on error | No |
retryInitialDelay | string | Retry initial delay | No |
retryMaxAttempts | integer | Maximum retry attempts If either RetryMaxAttempts or RetryTimeout is satisfied the request will be discarded | No |
retryMaxDelay | string | Maximum delay between any retry | No |
retryOfflineDelay | string | Retry delay (fixed) when server is unreachable | No |
retryTimeout | string | How long to keep retrying a request when getting an error If either RetryMaxAttempts or RetryTimeout is satisfied the request will be discarded | No |
url | string | The websocket url to connect to Example: "wss://" | Yes |
verbose | boolean | Enable verbose logging | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-websocket": {
"config": {
"headers": {
"AuthToken": "something-secret"
"url": "wss://"
"type": "websocket"
Describes the configuration for a cloud connector. CloudConnectors
can publish events to the cloud by being targeted with a publish
or publishTopic
filter in a pipeline.
Some CloudConnector types also support subscribing for cloud commands/events and subscribing on topics.
Referenced By:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
config | object | Configuration information for the particular type of CloudConnector used. Described in the documentation for each CloudConnector type. | No |
type | string | The unique type of the CloudConnector, must match the type of one of the available CloudConnectors Example: "http" | Yes |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-mqtt": {
"config": {
"host": "",
"port": "8883",
"scheme": "tcps"
"type": "mqtt"
Device configuration for connectors that support identification of individual devices.
Note: not all cloud connectors support all of these options. Support for each option is documented in the
specific cloud connector.
Referenced By:
googlecloudiot mqtt
Name | Type | Description | Required |
attachAll | boolean | If set to true, devices simply included in the referenced device group will be attached/subscribed. If set to false (default), devices will not be attached/subscribed until they are determined to be present. Example: false | No |
connectMessage | CloudMessage | Message to send, per attached device, to the cloud when a connection is successfully established or re-established | No |
detachMissing | boolean | If set to true, devices will be detached/unsubscribed if they are removed from the device group, or if they go missing from presence tracking. If set to false (default) devices are only detached/unsubscribed when they are removed from the device group. Example: false | No |
deviceIdTemplate | string ✅ templating | A text template for converting the lowercase mac field to any deviceId that is desired by the cloud configuration.This template is used to generate a Device ID that is then used to attach to the cloud and subscribe to topics. If no deviceIdTemplate is supplied, defaults to using the lowercase MAC address of the device.NOTE: this should not be used if you are using the deviceIdTemplate on the device group that is connected to this.The Device ID should be generated using that template instead. Example: "sensor_{{ .mac | ToUpper }}" | No |
group | string | Device Group that contains the devices this cloud connector is concerned with. The connector will attach and subscribe to topics for devices contained in this group. Example: "my-devices" | No |
subscribeTopics | array ✅ templating | Per device topics to subscribe to. Incoming messages on these topics will arrive in pipelines as cloud type events.deviceId is available in the text template. | No |
"service": {
"cloud": {
"connectors": {
"my-mqtt": {
"config": {
"devices": {
"attachAll": true,
"detachMissing": true,
"deviceIdTemplate": "{{ .mac | ToUpper }}",
"group": "my-sensors",
"subscribeTopics": [
"sensors/sensor_{{ .deviceId }}/commands"
"host": "",
"port": "8883",
"scheme": "tcps"
"type": "mqtt"
A statically configured message to send to the cloud. Currently only used by Cloud Connectors that support the connectMessage
Referenced By:
CloudConnectorDevices googlecloudiot mqtt
Name | Type | Description | Required |
message | object | The message body | Yes |
topic | string ✅ templating | Topic the message is on | Yes |
Referenced By:
Override the default system certificate pool typically at /etc/ssl/certs/ with a user provided set of root CAs. The content
can contain multiple certificates (pem format, encoded in base64)
can contain multiple .pem certificates
If no valid certificate is found in either certificates
or certificatesDir
, an error will be thrown.
Referenced By:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
certificates | string | base64 certificates to use as rootCAs, will be combined with certificatesDir Example: "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB... (truncated)" | No |
certificatesDir | string | directory of certificates to use as rootCAs, will be combined with certificates Example: "/home/mycerts" | No |
insecureSkipVerify | boolean | skip TLS certificate verification Example: true | No |
X.509 certificate, private key, and CA
Referenced By:
azuredps azureiot
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ca | string | Yes | |
certificate | string | Yes | |
key | string | Yes |
Updated almost 2 years ago