Edge Direct CLI

Installing the Edge Direct CLI

rigado apikey

Interacts with the API Keys in your organization


Interacts with the API Keys in your organization.

For a detailed guide on how to use API keys, see Edge Direct API Authentication.


  -h, --help   help for apikey

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado apikey create

Creates a new API Key in your organization


This command allows you to generate a new API Key with specific role-based permissions, optional site access restrictions, and an expiration date.

  • API Key Roles are based on User Roles. For a full breakdown of their capabilities, see User Role Feature Access.
  • Available API Key Roles:
    • Administrator – Full access to all Edge Direct features, global settings, and Sites. Administrators are the only role that can manage user access and roles.
    • Site Owner – Full access to all features within assigned Sites, without visibility into unassigned Sites.
    • Site Watcher – Read-only access to selected Sites, allowing visibility into Site health and configurations without the ability to make changes.
    • Installer – Limited access to selected Sites for installation and provisioning, restricted to network and site-specific configurations.

For a detailed guide on how to use API keys, see Edge Direct API Authentication.


   $ rigado apikey create [flags]


      --all-sites           Access to all sites (true/false)
      --expiration string   The date (YYYY-MM-DD) which the key will expire midnight UTC
  -h, --help                help for create
      --new-sites           Access to newly created sites (true/false)
      --no-prompt           Suppresses input prompts
      --note string         A note or other information pertaining to the key
      --role string         The role and permissions the key will be scoped to (default "Administrator")
      --sites string        Access to specific sites in organization for the key, listed by site names and separated by a comma

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado apikey delete

Deletes an API Key from your organization


Deletes an API Key from your organization.

For a detailed guide on how to use API keys, see Edge Direct API Authentication.


   $ rigado apikey delete API_KEY_TOKEN

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado apikey info

Retrieves info about an API Key, including secret


Retrieves info about an API Key, including secret.

For a detailed guide on how to use API keys, see Edge Direct API Authentication.


   $ rigado apikey info API_KEY_TOKEN

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado apikey list

Lists the API Keys in your organization


Lists the API Keys in your organization.

For a detailed guide on how to use API keys, see Edge Direct API Authentication.


   $ rigado apikey list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app

Interacts with your organization's apps


  -h, --help   help for app

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app create

Adds a new app to your organization


   $ rigado app create APP_NAME [--dry-run] [flags]


      --dry-run   Check name availability without reserving it

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app info

Shows information about a single app


   $ rigado app info NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app list

Lists the apps in your organization


   $ rigado app list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app list-revisions

Lists all app revisions in your organization


   $ rigado app list-revisions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app release

Releases an app revision of your app to one or more channels.


Releases an app revision of your app to one or more channels. For example, the command:

$ rigado app release acme-hello-world --revision 1 --channel edge
Revision released.
acme-hello-world  edge*     1.0.0    1         2018-06-22T00:33:34Z

would release revision 1 of the acme-hello-world app to the "edge" channel.


   $ rigado app release APP_NAME --revision REVISION --channel CHANNEL [flags]


      --channel string    One or more channels to release the revision to, comma-delimited (required)
      --revision string   app revision number to release (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app snap-revisions

Lists all snap revisions in your organization


   $ rigado app snap-revisions [flags]


      --c   clear previously cached snap revisions

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado app upload

Uploads a new app revision of your app, optionally releasing it to one or more channels.


Uploads a new app revision of your app, optionally releasing it to one or more channels.

For instance, the command:

$ rigado app upload acme-hello-world --filename acme-hello-world_1.0.0_armhf.snap
Uploading to Store:
 1.52 MiB / 1.52 MiB [=========================================]       100.00% 2s
Upload Finished. Submitting for processing.
New revision created.
  acme-hello-world            1.0.0    1         2018-06-22T00:33:34Z

would upload the acme-hello-world snap file without releasing it. Alternately, the command:

$ rigado app upload acme-hello-world --filename acme-hello-world_1.0.1_armhf.snap --channel edge
Uploading to Store:
 1.52 MiB / 1.52 MiB [=========================================================================] 100.00% 2s
Upload Finished. Submitting for processing.
New revision created.
  acme-hello-world  edge*     1.0.1    2         2018-06-22T01:24:08Z  

would upload the snap file and release it to the "edge" channel.

Releasing to multiple channels can be achieved by joining them with a ,, as in:

$ rigado app upload acme-hello-world --filename acme-hello-world_1.0.2_armhf.snap --channel edge,beta

If you upload a snap file and forget to release it in the upload command, see the command rigado app release.


   $ rigado app upload APP_NAME --filename SNAP_FILE [flags]


      --channel string    One or more channels to release to, comma-delimited
      --filename string   Filename to upload (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado auth

Performs authentication-related tasks for your Cascade Edge Direct account


  -h, --help   help for auth

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado auth login

Authenticates your Cascade Edge Direct account


   $ rigado auth login

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado auth logout

Deauthenticates this computer from your Cascade Edge Direct account


   $ rigado auth logout

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado auth whoami

Describes who you are currently authenticated as


   $ rigado auth whoami

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle

Interacts with app bundles in your organization


  -h, --help   help for bundle

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle add-app

Adds an app at a given channel to a bundle


Adds an app at a given channel to a bundle.

For example, running the command:

$ rigado bundle add-app default --app acme-hello-world --channel edge
Successfully started deployment of app acme-hello-world in channel edge to bundle default
  NAME     TAGS  APPS                       DESCRIPTION  
  default        bluez/candidate

adds the "edge" channel of the app "acme-hello-world" to the default bundle.


   $ rigado bundle add-app BUNDLE_NAME --app APP_NAME --channel CHANNEL [flags]


      --app string       App name (required)
      --channel string   App channel name (required) (default "stable")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle add-tag

Adds a tag to a bundle


   $ rigado bundle add-tag BUNDLE_NAME --key TAG_KEY --value TAG_VALUE [flags]


      --key string     Tag key (required)
      --value string   Tag value (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle create

Creates a new bundle in your organization


Creates a new bundle in your organization. You may optionally provide a description for the bundle. Names must have fewer than 32 characters, and must not have any special characters.


   $ rigado bundle create BUNDLE_NAME [flags]


      --description string   Bundle description

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle delete

Deletes a bundle from your organization


   $ rigado bundle delete BUNDLE_NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle list

Lists the bundles in your organization


   $ rigado bundle list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle remove-app

Removes an app from a bundle


Removes an app from a bundle.

For example, running the command:

$ rigado bundle remove-app default --app rigado-devkit
Successfully removed app rigado-devkit from bundle default
  default        bluez/candidate

removes the "edge" channel of the app "rigado-devkit" from the default bundle.


   $ rigado bundle remove-app BUNDLE_NAME --app APP_NAME [flags]


      --app string   App name (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle remove-tag

Removes a tag from a bundle


   $ rigado bundle remove-tag BUNDLE_NAME --key TAG_KEY [flags]


      --key string   Tag key (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado bundle update

Updates a bundle with a new name and/or description


   $ rigado bundle update BUNDLE_NAME [flags]


      --description string   Bundle description (default "{VOID}")
      --name string          Bundle updated name (default "{VOID}")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado config

Interacts with configurations for gateways in your organization


  -h, --help   help for config

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado config create

Send an app set, time, network, or EAP mode command to a gateway


Manages configuring a Gateway based on the contents of a JSON file.
The format of the configuration JSON can be seen here

Edge Direct can manage app set, time, network, and EAP mode configurations for gateways that have a sufficient revision. For these gateways, Edge Direct will manage the configuration regardless of whether or not the gateway is currently online.

The default-ethernet-dhcp connection in network configurations cannot be changed; including that connection in your configuration file will result in an error.


  "type": "APP_SET",
  "settings": {
    "my-custom-app": {
      "service": {
        "count": {
          "token": "super secret",
          "endpoint": "http://localhost:8080"
        "scanner": {
          "enabled": true

  "type": "TIME",
  "settings": {
    "ntp": {
      "server": "ntp.ubuntu.com",
      "backup": "pool.ntp.org"
    "zone": "America/Los_Angeles"

  "type": "NETWORK",
  "meta": "APPLY_AFTER_RESET",
  "settings": {
    "connections": {
      "forCell": {
        "ipv4": {
          "addresses": ",8,",
          "dns": [
          "method": "manual",
          "may-fail": true,
          "route-metric": -3
        "connection": {
          "type": "gsm",
          "id": "forCell"
        "gsm": {
          "username": "someUser",
          "password": "vsecure",
          "apn": "someApn"
      "forEth": {
        "ipv4": {
          "addresses": ",8,",
          "dns": [
          "method": "manual",
          "may-fail": true,
          "route-metric": -3
        "connection": {
          "type": "802-3-ethernet",
          "id": "forEth",
          "interface-name": "eth0"
      "forWireless": {
        "ipv4": {
          "addresses": ",8,",
          "dns": [
          "method": "manual",
          "may-fail": true,
          "route-metric": -3
        "connection": {
          "type": "802-11-wireless",
          "id": "forWireless",
          "autoconnect-priority": 99,
          "interface-name": "wlan0"
        "802-11-wireless": {
          "channel": 23,
          "band": "bg",
          "ssid": "daSSID",
          "security": "802-11-wireless-security"
      "forWirelessWSec": {
        "ipv4": {
          "addresses": ",8,",
          "dns": [
          "method": "manual",
          "may-fail": true,
          "route-metric": -3
        "connection": {
          "type": "802-11-wireless",
          "id": "forWirelessWSec",
          "autoconnect-priority": 99,
          "interface-name": "wlan0"
        "802-11-wireless": {
          "channel": 23,
          "band": "bg",
          "ssid": "daSSID",
          "security": "802-11-wireless-security"
        "802-11-wireless-security": {
          "key-mgmt": "wpa-eap"
        "802-1x": {
          "eap": [
          "identity": "eIdent",
          "phase2-auth": "ephase2",
          "password": "epass"

  "type": "EAP_MODE",
  "settings": {
    "enabled": true,
    "channel": "edge"


   $ rigado config create --serial SERIAL_NUMBER --filename FILENAME [--dry-run] [flags]


      --dry-run           Only check the validity of the form of the configuration JSON given the configuration type without performing the configuration operation.
      --filename string   Filename containing configuration JSON (required)
      --serial string     The serial number of the gateway unit the configuration is for. (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado config list-requested

Retrieve the requested configuration state(s) for a gateway


Retrieve the requested configuration state(s) for a gateway.

By default, --all is false. This means that only the most recent (newest) configuration(s) will be listed.
If you use --all (true), --type is required.
This is a Config States command. Config States is a feature of Edge Direct that allows you to see and manage a gateway's configuration.
This command will only return a requested configurations when the Config States feature is enabled for the gateway and organization.
If Config States is not enabled, it does not mean that your gateway is not configured, but that requested configurations are simply sent to the gateway when requested and are not stored in the app.


   $ rigado config list-requested --serial SERIAL --type CONFIG_TYPE [--all] [flags]


      --all             False by default. If set to true, return all requested configurations of the requested type.
      --serial string   The serial number of the gateway unit the configuration is for. (required)
      --type string     The type of configuration. Valid values are APP_SET, TIME, NETWORK, EAP_MODE.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado configuration-variables

Interacts with configuration variables


  -h, --help   help for configuration-variables

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado configuration-variables create

Creates a configuration variable.


   $ rigado configuration-variables create --name CONFNAME --type CONFTYPE [--sensitive] [flags]


      --name string   The name of the configuration variable
      --sensitive     Whether the variable value is sensitive and therefore redacted
      --type string   The type of the configuration variable. Valid values are [boolean, number, string, array, object]

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado configuration-variables delete

Deletes a configuration variable.


   $ rigado configuration-variables delete CONFNAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado configuration-variables list

Lists configuration variables


Lists configuration variables. These can be applied to sites and to gateways. See also: rigado site add-configuration-variable -h and rigado gateway add-configuration-variable -h.


   $ rigado configuration-variables list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado device

Interacts with devices


  -h, --help   help for device

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado device health

Fetches health status for a device


   $ rigado device health DEVICE_ID

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado device info

Retrieves info about a specific device


   $ rigado device info DEVICE_ID

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado device list

Lists the devices for the given entity


   $ rigado device list [--gateway SERIAL | --site SITE | --org]  [flags]


      --gateway string   Edge Direct Gateway Serial
      --org              List All Devices for Org
      --site string      Edge Direct Site Name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado feature

Interacts with features you can enable for your organization


Valid features for enabling and disabling are: WIFI_AUTOCONNECT.


  -h, --help   help for feature

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado feature disable

Disables a feature for your organization.


   $ rigado feature disable FEATURE_NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado feature enable

Enables a feature for your organization.


Valid features for enabling and disabling are: WIFI_AUTOCONNECT.


   $ rigado feature enable FEATURE_NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado feature info

Retrieve details for a given feature for your organization.


   $ rigado feature info NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway

Interacts with gateways


  -h, --help   help for gateway

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway add-configuration-variable

Adds a configuration variable to a gateway


   $ rigado gateway add-configuration-variable SERIAL --name CONFNAME --value CONFVALUE [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)
      --value string                  Configuration variable value. Value should be a valid JSON string. To pass string value use bash escape --value="\"value\""

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway add-tag

Tags a gateway with a given value


   $ rigado gateway add-tag SERIAL_NUMBER --key TAG_KEY --value TAG_VALUE [flags]


      --key string     Tag key (required)
      --value string   Tag value (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway batch-configuration-variable

Creates/Updates or deletes configuration variables for a gateway in a batch


Creates/updates or deletes multiple configuration variables for a Gateway based on the contents of a JSON file.
The format of the configuration JSON can be seen here


  "create": [
      "name": "var1",
      "value": "val_value1",
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
      "name": "var2",
      "value": "val_value2",
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
  "update": [
      "name": "var3",
      "value": "val_value3",
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
  "delete": [
      "name": "var4",
      "value": "val_value4",
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false


   $ rigado gateway batch-configuration-variable SERIAL --filename FILENAME [flags]


      --filename string               Filename containing configuration JSON (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway cloud

Adjusts cloud selection for non-Site Gateway


Adjusts cloud selection for non-Site Gateway
This command will update the cloud a Gateway should connect through and then send a reprovision command to the Gateway.

$ rigado gateway cloud --


   $ rigado gateway cloud SERIAL_NUMBER --cloud CLOUD [flags]


      --cloud string   Cloud value. Must be one of "AWS", "Azure", or "Unmanaged" (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway configuration

Fetches the gateway's current configurations


Fetches the gateway's current configurations.

This is a Config States command. Config States is a feature of Edge Direct that allows you to see and manage a gateway's configuration. This command will only return a gateway's configuration when the Config States feature is enabled for the gateway and organization. If Config States is not enabled, it does not mean that your gateway is not configured, but that configurations are not read off the gateway and stored.


   $ rigado gateway configuration SERIAL_NUMBER

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway configure

Sends configuration information to a Gateway


Sends configuration information to a Gateway based on the contents of a JSON file.
The format of the configuration JSON can be seen here


  "apps": {
    "my-favorite-app": {
      "values": {
        "extra.logging.enabled": false,
        "parameter.name": "important value",
        "password": "abc12345"
    "my-other-app": {
      "values": {
        "worker.count": 33
  "network": {
    "region": "CN",
    "connections": {
      "cell-network": {
        "cellular": {
          "username": "my-username",
          "password": "secret-password",
          "apn": "my-apn"
      "office-wifi": {
        "wireless": {
          "ssid": "my-network",
          "security": {
            "password": "secret-password"
  "time": {
    "ntp": {
      "server": "ntp.ubuntu.com",
      "backup": "pool.ntp.org"
    "zone": "America/Los_Angeles"

Note: Setting the NTP server requires a reboot of the gateway and that reboot will happen immediately after the command is processed.


   $ rigado gateway configure SERIAL_NUMBER --filename FILENAME [flags]


      --filename string   Filename containing configuration JSON (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway diagnostics

Request diagnostic information from the Gateway


Request diagnostic information from the Gateway either via file upload or Bluetooth advertisement.
The Gateway must be online in order to receive this command.

When --upload is specified, the Gateway will collect diagnostic information and upload it to Cascade Edge
Direct. It will attempt to do so until the upload succeeds or the Gateway reboots.

When "--advertise on" is specified, the Gateway will periodically transmit diagnostic information via Bluetooth.
It will continue to do for 6 hours or until it successfully receives a "--advertise off" command.
Specifying "--advertise on" to a Gateway that is already transmitting diagnostics information via Bluetooth starts a new
6 hour transmission interval. Specifying "--advertise off" to a Gateway that is not transmitting diagnostics information
via Bluetooth has no effect.


   $ rigado gateway diagnostics SERIAL [--advertise [on | off]] [ --upload ] [flags]


      --advertise string   turn advertisement of diagnostics information via Bluetooth "on" or "off"
      --upload count       request upload of diagnostics information to Cascade Edge Direct

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway eapmode

Enables or disables EAP (Early Access Program) Mode on the Gateway


Enables or disables EAP (Early Access Program) Mode on the Gateway.
Enabling or disabling EAP Mode may cause the Gateway to reboot multiple times over the course of up to an hour.
The Gateway must be online in order to receive this command.

In EAP Mode, a Gateway's system apps will track a specific channel (default "candidate"),
and those apps will automatically receive updates.
Enabling EAP Mode on a Gateway with a cellular connection is likely to cause multiple large downloads on that connection.

To disable EAP Mode, run this command with the disable flag. For example:

rigado gateway eapmode SERIAL --disable [flags]


   $ rigado gateway eapmode SERIAL --enable [--channel CHANNEL] [flags]


      --channel string   The channel to set the system apps to follow. Must be one of "edge", "beta", or "candidate" (default "candidate")
      --disable          Disable EAP Mode
      --enable           Enable EAP Mode

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway health

Fetches health status for gateway


   $ rigado gateway health SERIAL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway info

Retrieves information about a gateway


   $ rigado gateway info SERIAL_NUMBER

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway list

Lists the gateways in your organization


Lists the gateways in your organization.

This command will output details about each gateway, including the IP addresses on its network interfaces (if any):

$ rigado gateway list
  SERIAL            TAGS              DEPLOYED APPS            LOAD AVERAGE (1M, 15M, 1H)  MEM USAGE  DISK USAGE  UP SINCE              LAST CHECK-IN         INTERFACES
  C017013717-00134  floor = basement  bluez/candidate          0.68, 0.48, 0.59            96.79 %    3.46 %      2018-04-12T14:13:06Z  2018-06-19T20:10:38Z  eth0:
                                      rigado-devkit/candidate                                                                                                 wlan0:


   $ rigado gateway list [flags]


      --includeMetrics   Include fetching the gateways' metrics. May impact API response time. (default false)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway list-configuration-variables

List configuration variables assigned to a gateway


   $ rigado gateway list-configuration-variables SERIAL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway logs

Fetch logs from a gateway


Fetch logs from a gateway, saving them to a local file.

Defaults to providing last hour of logs.


   $ rigado gateway logs SERIAL_NUMBER [flags]


      --duration string   One of "all" (all available lines in the log, up to 50MB), "last100" (last 100 lines), or "lastHour" (last hour, default) (default "lastHour")
      --unit string       A specific unit to get logs for, e.g. snap.rigado-deviceops.service.service

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway network-reset

Instructs a gateway to immediately reset its network configuration


Instructs a gateway to immediately reset its network configuration.
The default configuration is to use DHCP on the eth0 interface.


   $ rigado gateway network-reset SERIAL [flags]


      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway reboot

Instructs a gateway to reboot immediately


   $ rigado gateway reboot SERIAL [flags]


      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway remove-configuration-variable

Removes a configuration variable from a gateway


   $ rigado gateway remove-configuration-variable SERIAL --name CONFNAME [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway remove-tag

Removes a tag from a gateway


   $ rigado gateway remove-tag SERIAL_NUMBER --key TAG_KEY [flags]


      --key string   Tag key (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado gateway update-configuration-variable

Updates a configuration variable on a gateway


   $ rigado gateway update-configuration-variable SERIAL --name CONFNAME --value CONFVALUE [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)
      --value string                  Configuration variable value. Value should be a valid JSON string. To pass string value use bash escape --value="\"value\""

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado provision-token

Interact with Docker Gateway Provisioning Tokens


  -h, --help   help for provision-token

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado provision-token create

create provisioning token for docker gateway


   $ rigado provision-token create --scope <organization|gateway> [--serial SERIAL] [flags]


      --scope string    Scope of the provision token. Either 'organization' or 'serial'
      --serial string   Serial number of the gateway when scope is 'gateway'

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado provision-token delete

delete one or all provision tokens for org


   $ rigado provision-token delete [--tokenId TOKEN_ID | --all] [flags]


  -a, --all              delete all provision tokens in organization
  -t, --tokenId string   ID of provision token to delete

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado provision-token get

get single provisioning token


   $ rigado provision-token get [--tokenId TOKEN_ID] [flags]


  -t, --tokenId string   Provision Token ID (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado provision-token list

list all provision tokens in org


   $ rigado provision-token list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site

Interacts with the Sites in your organization


  -h, --help   help for site

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site add-configuration-variable

Adds a configuration variable to a site


   $ rigado site add-configuration-variable SITENAME --name CONFNAME --value CONFVALUE --required [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)
      --required                      Indicates that Gateways in this Site must have a value for this variable. Default: false
      --value string                  Configuration variable value. Value should be a valid JSON string. To pass string value use bash escape --value="\"value\""

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site add-gateway

Add a Gateway to a Site


   $ rigado site add-gateway NAME --serial SERIAL [--reassign] [flags]


      --reassign        Verify reassigning the Gateway to the new Site (applies when the Gateway is already assigned to a different site)
      --serial string   The serial of the Gateway to add

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site add-tag

Add a Tag with a given value to the Site


   $ rigado site add-tag NAME --key TAG_KEY --value TAG_VALUE [flags]


      --key string     Tag key (required)
      --value string   Tag value (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site batch-configuration-variable

Creates/Updates or deletes configuration variables for a site in a batch


Creates/updates or deletes multiple configuration variables for a Site based on the contents of a JSON file.
The format of the configuration JSON can be seen here


  "create": [
      "name": "var1",
      "value": "val_value1",
      "required": false,
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
      "name": "var2",
      "value": "val_value2",
      "required": false,
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
  "update": [
      "name": "var3",
      "value": "val_value3",
      "required": false,
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false
  "delete": [
      "name": "var4",
      "value": "val_value4",
      "required": false,
      "type": "",
      "sensitive": false


   $ rigado site batch-configuration-variable SITENAME --filename FILENAME [flags]


      --filename string               Filename containing configuration JSON (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site configuration

Interact with Configurations for a Site

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site configuration copy

Copy the most recent configuration of the specified type from the specified site to this site.


Copy the most recent configuration of the specified type from the specified site to this site.
If there is a scheduled configuration (the configuration to be applied to site gateways in the next maintenance window),that is the most recent. If there is no scheduled configuration, the current configuration (the configuration
currently applicable to site gateways) is the most recent.--copyFrom should specify the name of the site to copy the configuration from.
--type should specify the type of the configuration to copy.


   $ rigado site configuration copy SITENAME --copyFrom SITENAME --type TYPE [flags]


   Valid configuration types are: APP_SET, MANAGED_REFRESH, TIME, NETWORK, and EAP_MODE


      --copyFrom string               The name of the site to copy the configuration from,
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)
      --type string                   The type of configuration. Valid values are APP_SET, MANAGED_REFRESH, TIME, NETWORK, and EAP_MODE.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site configuration create

Create an app set, time, network, or EAP mode configuration for a site.


Creates a configuration to be applied to all gateways in a site at the next applicable maintenance window.


   $ rigado site configuration create SITENAME --filename FILENAME [flags]


   	  "type": "APP_SET",
   	  "settings": {
   	    "my-custom-app": {
   	      "service": {
   	        "count": {
   	          "token": "super secret",
   	          "endpoint": "http://localhost:8080"
   	        "scanner": {
   	          "enabled": true

   	  "type": "TIME",
   	  "settings": {
   	    "ntp": {
   	      "server": "ntp.ubuntu.com",
   	      "backup": "pool.ntp.org"
   	    "zone": "America/Los_Angeles"

   	  "type": "NETWORK",
   	  "meta": "APPLY_AFTER_RESET",
   	  "settings": {
   	    "connections": {
   	      "forCell": {
   	        "ipv4": {
   	          "addresses": ",8,",
   	          "dns": [
   	          "method": "manual",
   	          "may-fail": true,
   	          "route-metric": -3
   	        "connection": {
   	          "type": "gsm",
   	          "id": "forCell"
   	        "gsm": {
   	          "username": "someUser",
   	          "password": "vsecure",
   	          "apn": "someApn"
   	      "forEth": {
   	        "ipv4": {
   	          "addresses": ",8,",
   	          "dns": [
   	          "method": "manual",
   	          "may-fail": true,
   	          "route-metric": -3
   	        "connection": {
   	          "type": "802-3-ethernet",
   	          "id": "forEth",
   	          "interface-name": "eth0"
   	      "forWireless": {
   	        "ipv4": {
   	          "addresses": ",8,",
   	          "dns": [
   	          "method": "manual",
   	          "may-fail": true,
   	          "route-metric": -3
   	        "connection": {
   	          "type": "802-11-wireless",
   	          "id": "forWireless",
   	          "autoconnect-priority": 99,
   	          "interface-name": "wlan0"
   	        "802-11-wireless": {
   	          "channel": 23,
   	          "band": "bg",
   	          "ssid": "daSSID",
   	          "security": "802-11-wireless-security"
   	      "forWirelessWSec": {
   	        "ipv4": {
   	          "addresses": ",8,",
   	          "dns": [
   	          "method": "manual",
   	          "may-fail": true,
   	          "route-metric": -3
   	        "connection": {
   	          "type": "802-11-wireless",
   	          "id": "forWirelessWSec",
   	          "autoconnect-priority": 99,
   	          "interface-name": "wlan0"
   	        "802-11-wireless": {
   	          "channel": 23,
   	          "band": "bg",
   	          "ssid": "daSSID",
   	          "security": "802-11-wireless-security"
   	        "802-11-wireless-security": {
   	          "key-mgmt": "wpa-eap"
   	        "802-1x": {
   	          "eap": [
   	          "identity": "eIdent",
   	          "phase2-auth": "ephase2",
   	          "password": "epass"

   	  "type": "EAP_MODE",
   	  "settings": {
   	    "enabled": true,
   	    "channel": "edge"


      --filename string               Filename containing configuration JSON (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site configuration list

List the configurations for a site


List the configurations for a site. For current configurations, also provide the status of application to gateways in the site.
By default, the request will return the configurations that are currently applicable to gateways in the site as well as the configurations, if any, that are queued up to be applied to gateways in the site in the next maintenance window.
If --type is not specified, the current and scheduled configurations for each type will be returned.If --current is provided, the results will be limited to the current configurations.
If --scheduled is provided, the results will be limited to the scheduled configurations.


   $ rigado site configuration list SITENAME [--current] [--scheduled] [--type TYPE] [flags]


   Valid configuration types are: APP_SET, TIME, NETWORK, and EAP_MODE


      --current       False by default. Limit request to configurations currently applicable to gateways in the site.
      --scheduled     False by default. Limit request to configurations that will be applied to gateways in the site in the next maintenance window.
      --type string   The type of configuration. Valid values are APP_SET, TIME, NETWORK, and EAP_MODE.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site create

Create a new Site with Maintenance Window


Create a new Site with Maintenance Window.
The Site's name must have fewer than 32 characters, and must not have any
special characters. You may optionally provide a description and/or location
name for the site.

If you provide a --timezone-location for the Site (or allow the command to
prompt you for timezone), you may enter "UTC", "Local" or any IANA-recognized
location name (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles").

Maintenance Windows:
Please specify a Maintenance Window duration (minutes) and its cadence (ongoing,
weekly, monthly, quarterly)

  • An 'ongoing' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update whenever updates
    are available. Selecting this cadence will ignore the monthOfQuarter,
    dayOfMonth, weekOfMonth, dayOfWeek, hourOfDay flags.

  • A 'weekly' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update once a week. The
    dayOfWeek and hourOfDay flags are required for this cadence. The
    monthOfQuarter, dayOfMonth, and weekOfMonth flags will be ignored. A
    dayOfWeek of 1 corresponds to Sunday. For example, to update Gateways every
    Monday at 11pm UTC, use '--cadence=weekly --dayOfWeek=2 --hourOfDay=23'.

  • A 'monthly' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update once a month.
    There are two valid flag patterns for use with a monthly cadence.

    The first uses a specific week and weekday of the month. For instance, to
    update Gateways on the second Thursday of every month at 1am UTC, use
    '--cadence=monthly --weekOfMonth=2 --dayOfWeek=5 --hourOfDay=1'.

    The second uses a specific day of the month. For instance, to update Gateways
    on the 3rd of every month at 5am UTC, use
    '--cadence=monthly --dayOfMonth=3 --hourOfDay=5'.

  • A 'quarterly' cadence means that Gateways in the Site will update once per
    quarter. The quarters are as follows:

    1: January, February, March
    2: April, May, June
    3: July, August, September
    4: October, November, December

    Like the monthly cadence, there are two valid flag patterns for a quarterly

    The first uses a specific day of the month. For instance, to update Gateways
    on the 3rd day of the 1st month in each quarter at 5am UTC, use
    '--cadence=quarterly --monthOfQuarter=1 --dayOfMonth=3 --hourOfDay=5'.

    The second uses a specific week and weekday of the month. For instance, to
    update Gateways on the third Monday of the 3rd month in each quarter at
    10pm UTC, use
    '--cadence=quarterly --monthOfQuarter=3 --weekOfMonth=3 --dayOfWeek=2 --hourOfDay=22'.

Note: All Maintenance Windows are in UTC time.


   $ rigado site create NAME [--no-prompt] [flags]


      --no-prompt                  Suppresses input prompts (useful for running this command in automated scripts)
      --timezone-location string   The timezone location of the Site
      --cloud string               The cloud into which (default "Unmanaged")
      --copyFrom string            Other Site to copy Maintenance Window from
      --duration int               site maintenance window duration (minutes. Default 480) (default 480)
      --cadence string             Cadence of the Maintenance Window (quarterly, monthly, weekly, ongoing. Default ongoing) (default "ongoing")
      --monthOfQuarter int         quarterly maintenance window month of quarter (1-3)
      --dayOfMonth int             maintenance window day of month (1-28) i.e. 11th of every month. Cannot be used with 'weekOfMonth' and 'dayOfWeek'
      --weekOfMonth int            maintenance window week of month (1-4) i.e. 3rd week of every month. Must be used with 'dayOfWeek', cannot be used with 'dayOfMonth'
      --dayOfWeek int              maintenance window day of week (1-7, 1: Sunday). Must be used with 'weekOfMonth', cannot be used with 'dayOfMonth
      --hourOfDay int              maintenance window hour of day UTC (0-23, default: 0 (midnight))

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site delete

Delete a Site


   $ rigado site delete NAME [--reassign OTHER|--unassign] [flags]


      --reassign string   The name of the Site to reassign Gateways to, in the event the deleted Site has Gateways
      --unassign          Verify unassigning Gateways from this Site, before deleting it

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site health

Fetches health status for a site


   $ rigado site health SITE

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site info

Fetch information about a single Site


   $ rigado site info NAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site list

Lists the Sites in your organization


   $ rigado site list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site list-configuration-variables

List configuration variables assigned to a site


   $ rigado site list-configuration-variables SITENAME

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site remove-configuration-variable

Removes a configuration variable from a site


   $ rigado site remove-configuration-variable SITENAME --name CONFNAME [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site remove-gateway

Remove a Gateway from a Site


   $ rigado site remove-gateway NAME --serial SERIAL [flags]


      --serial string   The serial of the Gateway to remove

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site remove-tag

Remove a Tag from the Site


   $ rigado site remove-tag NAME --key TAG_KEY [flags]


      --key string   Tag key (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site update

Update a Site's details


Update a Site's description, gateway behavior,
location, timezone location, or maintenance window.

The gateway behavior of a site represents how gateways receive updates within
that site. Currently the only flag in this behavior setting is "configure after
maintenance window". This flag represents what happens when a gateway is
offline during the Site's maintenance window. If the gateway is offline for the
entire window, then comes online after the window is closed, this flag
determines whether the gateway will receive the updates from that maintenance
window immediately, or the gateway will wait until the next maintenance
window to receive those updates.

Maintenance Windows:
Please specify a Maintenance Window duration (minutes) and its cadence (ongoing,
weekly, monthly, quarterly)

  • An 'ongoing' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update whenever updates
    are available. Selecting this cadence will ignore the monthOfQuarter,
    dayOfMonth, weekOfMonth, dayOfWeek, hourOfDay flags.

  • A 'weekly' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update once a week. The
    dayOfWeek and hourOfDay flags are required for this cadence. The
    monthOfQuarter, dayOfMonth, and weekOfMonth flags will be ignored. A
    dayOfWeek of 1 corresponds to Sunday. For example, to update Gateways every
    Monday at 11pm UTC, use '--cadence=weekly --dayOfWeek=2 --hourOfDay=23'.

  • A 'monthly' cadence means Gateways in the Site will update once a month.
    There are two valid flag patterns for use with a monthly cadence.

    The first uses a specific week and weekday of the month. For instance, to
    update Gateways on the second Thursday of every month at 1am UTC, use
    '--cadence=monthly --weekOfMonth=2 --dayOfWeek=5 --hourOfDay=1'.

    The second uses a specific day of the month. For instance, to update Gateways
    on the 3rd of every month at 5am UTC, use
    '--cadence=monthly --dayOfMonth=3 --hourOfDay=5'.

  • A 'quarterly' cadence means that Gateways in the Site will update once per
    quarter. The quarters are as follows:

    1: January, February, March
    2: April, May, June
    3: July, August, September
    4: October, November, December

    Like the monthly cadence, there are two valid flag patterns for a quarterly

    The first uses a specific day of the month. For instance, to update Gateways
    on the 3rd day of the 1st month in each quarter at 5am UTC, use
    '--cadence=quarterly --monthOfQuarter=1 --dayOfMonth=3 --hourOfDay=5'.

    The second uses a specific week and weekday of the month. For instance, to
    update Gateways on the third Monday of the 3rd month in each quarter at
    10pm UTC, use
    '--cadence=quarterly --monthOfQuarter=3 --weekOfMonth=3 --dayOfWeek=2 --hourOfDay=22'.

Note: All Maintenance Windows are in UTC time.


   $ rigado site update NAME [--no-prompt] [flags]


      --description string               The new description of the Site
      --gatewayBehavior stringToString   The new gateway behavior of the Site. See the help text for more detail. (default [configureAfterMaintenanceWindow=false])
      --location string                  The new description of the Site's physical location
      --timezone string                  The new timezone location of the Site
      --no-prompt                        Suppresses input prompts (useful for running this command in automated scripts)
      --duration int                     site maintenance window duration (minutes)
      --cadence string                   Cadence of the Maintenance Window (quarterly, monthly, weekly, ongoing)
      --monthOfQuarter int               quarterly maintenance window month of quarter (1-3)
      --dayOfMonth int                   maintenance window day of month (1-31) i.e. 11th of every month. Cannot be used with 'weekOfMonth' and 'dayOfWeek'
      --weekOfMonth int                  maintenance window week of month (1-4) i.e. 3rd week of every month. Must be used with 'dayOfWeek', cannot be used with 'dayOfMonth'
      --dayOfWeek int                    maintenance window day of week (1-7, 1: Sunday). Must be used with 'weekOfMonth', cannot be used with 'dayOfMonth
      --hourOfDay int                    maintenance window hour of day UTC (0-23, default: 0 (midnight))

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado site update-configuration-variable

Updates a configuration variable on a site


   $ rigado site update-configuration-variable SITENAME --name CONFNAME --value CONFVALUE --required [flags]


      --name string                   Configuration variable name (required)
      --override-maintenance-window   Override the Maintenance Window (apply these changes regardless of the window being open or closed)
      --required                      Indicates that Gateways in this Site must have a value for this variable. Default: false
      --value string                  Configuration variable value. Value should be a valid JSON string. To pass string value use bash escape --value="\"value\""

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado tag

Interacts with the tags in your organization


  -h, --help   help for tag

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado tag create

Creates a new tag in your organization


Creates a new tag in your organization. Tag keys must have fewer than 32 characters, and must not have any special characters.


   $ rigado tag create TAG_KEY [--for-site] [flags]


      --for-site   Add this flag if the tag is meant to be used with Sites

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado tag delete

Deletes a tag from your organization


   $ rigado tag delete TAG_KEY

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado tag list

Lists the tags in your organization


   $ rigado tag list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user

Interact with Users


  -h, --help   help for user

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user add

Adds a new User


   $ rigado user add EMAIL --role ROLE [flags]


  -r, --role string   User Role (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user delete

Deletes a User


   $ rigado user delete EMAIL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user list

Lists Users


   $ rigado user list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user resendinvite

Initiates a resend of the User's invitation email


   $ rigado user resendinvite EMAIL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user resetpassword

Initiates password reset for a User


   $ rigado user resetpassword EMAIL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado user update

Updates a User's Role


   $ rigado user update EMAIL --role ROLE [flags]


  -r, --role string   User Role (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado usersites

Interact with User Site Assignments


  -h, --help   help for usersites

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado usersites add

Adds a user to a site


   $ rigado usersites add EMAIL --site SITE [flags]


      --site string   Site Name (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado usersites list

lists the sites a user has access to


   $ rigado usersites list EMAIL

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado usersites remove

Removes a user from a site


   $ rigado usersites remove EMAIL --site SITE [flags]


      --site string   Site Name (required)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.

rigado version

Prints version information for this command-line tool


   $ rigado version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apisecret string   API Secret for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_SECRET environment variable
      --apitoken string    API Token for authentication (instead of user-based auth) or set RIGADO_API_TOKEN environment variable
  -j, --json               Output JSON instead of formatted strings, when possible.