
Sends a configuration to a Gateway to enable or disable EAP Mode ("Early Access Program").

Enabling or disabling EAP Mode may cause the Gateway to reboot multiple times over the course of up to an hour.
IMPORTANT: Enabling EAP Mode on a Gateway with a cellular connection is likely to cause multiple large downloads on
that connection.

The Gateway must be online in order to receive this command.

In EAP mode, a gateway will automatically periodically update its system snaps (core, cascade-kernel, etc).
Gateways in this mode will also switch the channel these system snaps track.
The default channel they will switch to is candidate.

Whether the request enables or disables EAP mode is determined by the presence or absence of a field named
enable in the request body. If a field named enable is present, and its value is true, the request
will enable EAP mode.
If the request body does not include a field named enable, or the value of that field is false, the request
will disable EAP mode. Note that a request with an empty request body {} or a missing request body does not
contain a field named enable, and will disable EAP mode.

When enabling EAP mode, an optional channel parameter in the request body can be used to specify the channel
system snaps should track. Valid values are edge, beta and candidate. Note that a value of stable
is disallowed. If the request body does not include the channel parameter or includes the channel parameter
with the empty string as its value the channel defaults to candidate.

When disabling EAP mode, the value of the channel parameter, if provided, is ignored.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!