Installer Tools

The Network Diagnostic Tool enables you to connect to your Gateway via BLE in order to identify the potential cause for a network connectivity problem with an offline gateway. The Gateway will automatically broadcast its identity over Bluetooth when network connectivity is lost.

Use of the Network Diagnostic tool will allow you to access these Gateway network status advertisements. Use of this tool requires a laptop or smartphone with a browser/OS that supports Bluetooth.

The tool has three ways of gathering network diagnostic information:

  • BLE Scanner
  • Manual Entry
  • Trigger Diagnostic

BLE Scanner

This tab allows you to scan for and connect to a Gateway using your laptop or smartphone. After clicking Scan for Gateways a popup window will appear displaying the Gateways which are sending advertisements. You may need to enable BLE permissions whatever in your supported browser settings. Gateways will appear by serial; select the Gateway you are interested in and select pair. An output log will be displayed with status of the scan and upon completion a report will be generated.

Manual Entry

You may also retrieve the test results by using a 3rd-party Bluetooth scanner app on your smartphone. We recommend  nRF Connect for Mobile, or  nRF Connect for
by Nordic Semiconductor. Open the app and look for a device named with the Gateway's serial. Connect to that device and inspect its characteristic.

When you read the characteristic (indicated as a download or down-arrow button in nRF Connect), the value will update with the network test results.


This test may take a few minutes to complete as it requires the Gateway to check many different website and port configurations.

A valid characteristic value will look like 3 bytes of data. This can be formatted as 0x020000 for example.

Enter the read value from the characteristic (in its hex format, as shown in the example above) into the Manual Entry tab of the Network Diagnostic Tool and select submit to see a description of the diagnostic results.

Trigger Diagnostic

This will trigger Bluetooth advertisements from an online Gateway that can be picked up using the BLE scanner or manual entry to retrieve diagnostics. This will allow you to troubleshoot partial network issues for Gateways that are online.

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